Admin Guide for MS FrontPage Support
- FrontPage Terminology
- Installing MS FrontPage Server Extensions
- Verifying Installation
- Directory Structure for FrontPage Extensions
- Configuration when using with mod_auth_ldap
- How to use FrontPage Server Extensions
Known Problems
Legal Notices
NOTE: Some information below is based on Microsoft(R) FrontPage documents.
Please see the References section for the location of Microsoft documentation.
MS FrontPage is a web authoring tool that lets authors create and manage
an entire web site or individual web pages. MS FrontPage is implemented
as a client/server tool with the server portion referred to as the
"FrontPage Server Extensions" (FPSE). These extensions run on HP-UX with
the HP-UX Apache-based Web Server.
To enable FrontPage authoring on a server requires installation of
the MS FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions.
FrontPage client programs communicate with FrontPage Server Extensions
over HTTP using a remote procedure call (RPC) on top of the HTTP "POST"
request. Apache sees "POST" requests addressed to the FrontPage Server
Extensions CGI programs and directs these requests to the CGI programs.
FrontPage can operate through firewalls (proxy servers) and does not
require FTP or telnet since it uses HTTP.
MS FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions requires FrontPage client 2000 or later.
MS FrontPage Support is only available on HP-UX 11.0 and 11i (PA-RISC) systems.
FrontPage Terminology
FrontPage sees documents and related files as an interconnected 'web'
that exists in its own directory. That directory can either be a root web
or a subweb.
- A root web is a FrontPage-extended web that is the top-level content
directory of a web server or virtual server. It is the FrontPage way of
referring to the Apache 'DocumentRoot'. For example, http://yourserver.com/
is a root web.
- A subweb is a complete FrontPage-extended web that is a subdirectory of
the root web or of another subweb. Subwebs are the FrontPage mechanism
for breaking up a web site so that different areas can be owned and
maintained by different people or groups. Each subweb can have many levels
of subdirectories. For example, http://yourserver.com/mysubweb is a subweb.
Installing MS FrontPage Server Extensions
If MS FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions are not currently installed, follow
the instructions below to download, install and configure it.
System Requirements
The extensions will not install unless the web server user has
the following minimum UID and GID,
UID = 11
GID = 20
For example, if the web server user is "www" and it belongs
to group "other" then
$ id www
uid=30(www) gid=120(other)
2) /etc/shells
/etc/shells is used by the installation script to determine which shell to run.
1. Verify if /etc/shells exists
2. If not, create the file and list one of the following shells or modify the
function installfpdso2() in fp_install.sh as shown in step 2 below.
3) apxs
apxs is called by the installation script to create mod_frontpage. apxs
requires Perl and gcc be installed on your system.
Setup and Installation
The following are instructions for installing the extensions in Apache's
document root, "htdocs", where the web server port is "80". The "htdocs"
directory equivalent to the root web, "/". The instructions also include
how to create a subweb "fptest" under "/". Webs can also be created on a
Virtual Server and is called a "Virtual Web".
It is highly recommended that you save a copy of your httpd.conf file
before beginning in case the FrontPage Extensions installation fails
(see Troubleshooting)
1) The extensions and their required installation script are obtained
from Ready-To-Run's (RTR) web site. For HP-UX, download the following
two files from RTR and put them in /tmp. Decompress the tar file.
Download URL: http://www.rtr.com/fpsupport/download.htm
FrontPage 2002 fp50.hp700.tar.gz or fp50.hp700.tar.Z
Server Extensions (approximately 17 MB)
Installation file: fp_install.sh
(approximately 18 KB)
2) Modify the installation script with the following changes.
The apxs changes are necessary with HP-UX Apache-based Web Server.
Make the changes in the installfpdso2() function (not installfpdso1()).
The original line of code is commented out and is immediately followed
by the corrected line.
#$httpdir/apxs -c $opts $FPDIR/apache2/mod_frontpage.c $FPDIR/apache2/mod_fpcgid.c
$httpdir/apxs -o $FPDIR/apache2/mod_frontpage.so -c $FPDIR/apache2/mod_frontpage.c $FPDIR/apache2/mod_fpcgid.c
#$httpdir/apxs -i -a -n frontpage $FPDIR/apache2/mod_frontpage.la
$httpdir/apxs -i -a -n frontpage $FPDIR/apache2/mod_frontpage.so
You may also want to make some changes to the getHomedir() to use your
preferred shell:
# modified to use ksh if /etc/shells does not exist
if [ -f /etc/shells ]; then
shell=`egrep "csh|ksh|bash" /etc/shells | head -1`
homedir=`$shell -f -c 'echo ~'$user`
3) Edit httpd.conf to "AllowOverride All" for the document root, htdocs,
since this is where we are installing the extensions:
<Directory "/opt/hpws/apache/htdocs">
AllowOverride None
<Directory "/opt/hpws/apache/htdocs">
AllowOverride All
4) As root, run the modified installation script. The installation requires
answering a series of interactive questions about your configuration.
By default, the extensions will install in /usr/local/frontpage.
A sample install is displayed at http://www.rtr.com/fpsupport/install2002.htm
It is highly recommended that you look at this before starting an installation.
$ cd /tmp
$ fp_install.sh
Step 1. Setting Up Installation Environment
Are you satisfied with your backup of the system (y/n) [N]? y
FrontPage Server Extensions directory [/usr/local/frontpage/]:/opt/hpws/apache/frontpage
Step 2. Untarring the Extensions and Checking Protections
Untarring file /usr/local/fp50.hp700.tar into /usr/local...
Step 3. Upgrading/Installing the extensions
Which version of Apache will you be using? (1.3 or 2.0) 2.0
Where is the current apache control file (apachectl) located: []/opt/hpws/apache/bin/apachectl
WARNING: The Apache you are running is newer than the one
supported by this kit.
You are running Apache 2.0.48 .
This kit supports Apache .
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [N]? y
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< compiles mod_frontpage.so using apxs >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Preparing to chown webs...
All requested upgrades to the new FrontPage Server Extensions have taken place.
The next step is to chown the web in order to guarantee that the extensions
will work properly. At this point you have two options:
1. This script will prompt you interactively for an owner and group of
each web and then perform the chown. If you do not have a lot of
webs you might want to choose this option.
2. This script will generate a script, which you can edit to fill in the
owner and group for each web, to run at a later date. If you have a
large number of webs you might want to choose this option.
Would you like interactive prompting for each webs owner/group (y/n) [Y]? y
Which local character encoding does your system support: [1] <return>
What should the default language be: [1] <return>
Do you want to install a root web (y/n) [Y]? y
Installing the root web...
Server config filename: /opt/hpws/apache/conf/httpd.conf
FrontPage Administrator's user name: fpadmin
Enter the new server's port number: 80
Getting User from /opt/hpws/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Unix user name of the owner of this new web: [www] <return>
Getting Group from /opt/hpws/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Unix group of this new web: [other] <return>
Installing root web into port 80...
installing server / on port 80
Will chown web to www as part of install.
Will chgrp web to other as part of install.
Starting install, port: 80.
Enter user password: hp.com
Confirm password: hp.com
Creating web http://yourserver.com:80.
Chowning Content in service /.
Install completed.
Install new sub/per-user webs now (y/n) [Y]? y
Using FrontPage Configuration File: /usr/local/frontpage/we80.cnf
Getting DocumentRoot and UserDir.
Getting resource configuration file
Directive ResourceConfig not found.
Getting DocumentRoot from /opt/hpws/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Getting UserDir from /opt/hpws/apache/conf/httpd.conf
DocumentRoot: /opt/hpws/apache/htdocs
UserDir: public_html
Enter the web name (CTRL-D if no more webs): fptest
FrontPage Administrator's user name: fpadmin
Web fptest is a subweb
Unix user name of the owner of this new web:[www]
Getting Group from /opt/hpws/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Unix group of this new web:[other]
installing server fptest on port 80
Will chown web to www as part of install.
Will chgrp web to other as part of install.
Starting install, port: 80, web: "fptest".
Created: 20 Nov 2003 02:50:42 -0000
Enter user password:hp.com
Creating web http://yourserver.com:80/fptest.
Chowning Content in service /fptest.
Install completed.
Enter the web name (CTRL-D if no more webs): CTRL-D
Installing Virtual Webs..
Do you want to install Virtual Webs (y/n) [Y]? n
Installation completed! Exiting...
Verifying Installation
1) Check that the install script has added the FrontPage module to httpd.conf:
LoadModule frontpage_module modules/mod_frontpage.so
2) Check that FrontPage directory structure has been set up. "weNN.cnf" means
the configuration file is for a web server running on port NN.
$ ll /usr/local/frontpage
total 4
drwxrwxr-x 9 bin bin 1024 Nov 4 17:02 version5.0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www bin 183 Nov 4 17:03 we80.cnf
3) Check that the root web as been created. It should a structure similar
to the following:
$ cd /opt/hpws/apache/htdocs
$ ll -a _*
-rw-r--r-- 1 www other 1754 Nov 19 18:50 _vti_inf.html
_private unreadable
drwxrwxr-x 4 www other 96 Nov 19 18:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 www other 2048 Nov 19 18:53 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 307 Nov 19 18:50 .htaccess
drwxrwxr-x 2 www other 96 Nov 19 18:50 _vti_adm
drwxrwxr-x 2 www other 96 Nov 19 18:50 _vti_aut
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 244 Nov 19 18:50 .htaccess
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 237 Nov 19 18:50 apache_pb.gif
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 237 Nov 19 18:50 apache_pb2.gif
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 237 Nov 19 18:50 apache_pb2_ani.gif
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 244 Nov 19 18:50 .htaccess
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 244 Nov 19 18:50 .htaccess
-rw-r--r-- 1 www other 384 Nov 19 18:50 .roles
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 125 Nov 19 18:50 access.cnf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 24 Nov 19 18:50 botinfs.cnf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 24 Nov 19 18:50 bots.cnf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 324 Nov 19 18:50 deptodoc.btr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 5616 Nov 19 18:50 doctodep.btr
-rw-rw-rw- 1 www other 0 Nov 19 18:53 frontpg.lck
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 5636 Nov 19 18:50 linkinfo.btr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 975 Nov 19 18:50 service.cnf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 48 Nov 19 18:50 service.grp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 0 Nov 19 18:53 service.lck
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 36 Nov 19 18:50 service.pwd
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 10 Nov 19 18:53 services.cnf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 63 Nov 19 18:50 svcacl.cnf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 24 Nov 19 18:50 writeto.cnf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www other 244 Nov 19 18:50 .htaccess
4) Start Apache and look at the startup banner in logs/error_log
Apache/2.0.48 HP-UX_Apache-based_Web_Server (Unix) DAV/2 FrontPage/
There are two ways to do FPSE administration -- via the web using a GUI
interface or locally using the command line. Use either for adding users,
changing properties, creating new webs, etc.
- To use the command line
Run the admin utility "owsadm.exe":
$ /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/bin/owsadm.exe
- To administer via the web
First configure the admin user in httpd.conf using "owsadm.exe".
The following command creates an admin port of 9999 with an
admin user called "fpadmin" which has the password "hp.com":
$ owsadm.exe -o setadminport -u fpadmin -pw hp.com -s \
/opt/hpws/apache/conf/httpd.conf -p 9999 -t apache-2.0
Something similar to the following will be added to httpd.conf:
Listen 9999
<VirtualHost _default_:9999>
DocumentRoot /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/admin-exes
DirectoryIndex fpadmcgi.exe
<Directory /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/admin-exes/>
AddHandler cgi-script .exe
Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
After configuring, to run the administrator:
1) As root, start Apache
$ /opt/hpws/apache/bin/apachectl start
2) Specify the administration port,
3) Supply the admin's user name and password
User: fpadmin
Password: hp.com
Directory Structure for FrontPage Extensions
For each type of web (root web, subweb, per user web, virtual server web), FPSE
creates files and directories starting with underscore "_". It also creates
.htaccess files and an images directory.
- Root Web:
$ cd /opt/hpws/apache/htdocs
$ ls -1 _*
- Subweb:
$ cd /opt/hpws/apache/htdocs/fptest
$ ls -a1
Configuration when using with mod_auth_ldap
mod_auth_ldap support for Microsoft FrontPage allows FrontPage users to
control access to their webs, while retaining LDAP for user authentication.
See the following URLs for more information:
How to use FrontPage Server Extensions
Creating a web page in an existing web
On a Windows2000 or later client:
1) Add the web server to your known networks, for example
a) Double click the "My Network Places" icon on the Windows 2000 desktop.
b) Double click "Add Network Place".
c) Enter the web servers URL (http://yourserver.com)
d) At the authentication pop-up enter user: fpadmin and password: hp.com
2) Start up FrontPage client
3) Create a web page in the root web (/)
a)In the file menu, Open Web yourser.com
b)Go to the pages view and create a new page
c)Save the page as fptest_page.htm in the root web (/)
4) Verify that the page was successfully created by looking at it
from your browser
Set up User directories
A web created in a user's personal directory is referred to as a "per-user web".
It can be created through the HTML administration or via the command line.
Create per-user web
1) Edit the user directory configuration directives in httpd.conf:
UserDir public_html
<Directory /home/*/public_html>
AllowOverride All
$ id fpuser
uid=103(fpuser) gid=144(users)
$ mkdir /home/fpuser/public_html
$ chmod 775 /home/fpuser/public_html
2) Create the web
sudo ./owsadm.exe -o install -p 80 -s /opt/hpws/apache/conf/httpd.conf \
-t apache-2.0 -web ~fpuser/public_html/ -xu fpuser \
-xg users -u fpadmin -pw hp.com
Starting install, port: 80, web: "/home/fpuser".
Created: 20 Nov 2003 21:16:00 -0000
Creating web http://yourserver.com:80/home/fpuser.
If you make an error during installation or your installation has
failed, you can try the following:
1) Check that you have meet the system requirements and edited
fp_install.sh as described in this document
2) Check the FAQ's on the RTR web site, http://www.rtr.com
for specific problems
3) Check the Microsoft FPSE documentation for configuration
and installation information
4) Clean up the failed installation and install FPSE again
with Apache debug messages on.
a) Remove /usr/local/frontpage symlink,
rm -rf /usr/local/frontpage
b) Remove frontpage directory,
rm -rf /opt/hpws/apache/frontpage
c) Remove webs/subwebs
d) Set "LogLevel debug" in conf/httpd.conf
e) Restart HP-UX Apache
f) Run the fp_install.sh script
g) Check Apache's error log, log/error_log
FrontPage webs and subwebs cannot be created on NFS mounted file systems.
FrontPage extensions fail to create lock files on HP-UX over an NFS mount.
FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 is not compatible with FrontPage 98 clients
and earlier. Check the references below to get the status on this issue
from Ready-To-Run and Microsoft.
Ready-To-Run, http://www.rtr.com
UNIX Frontpage 2002 Server Extensions administration document is available
from Microsoft at http://www.rtr.com/fpsupport/documentation.htm.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
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